Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day 💘

Hello there! ✋

What a lovely week💗! To celebrate Valentine's Day, we've been doing a whole lot of different fun activities. With our language assistant, Kassia, we've created amazing crafts to give to our loved ones on this special day. They sure loved them! You can see some of them below, aren't they cute?💌

It is said that laughter is the way to the heart. That's why we thought: "what better way to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day, than brightening up their day by making them laugh🤣?" That's what puns are for! If you do don't know what a pun is, they are basically a play on words, in a funny way. We had a blast! 👦👧😍

¡Qué semana tan genial! Para celebrar San Valentín, hemos hecho un montón de actividades diferentes. Con nuestra asistente de conversación, Kassia, hemos creado preciosas manualidades para regalar a nuestros seres queridos en este día tan especial. ¡Les encantaron! Podéis verlos aquí debajo, ¿a que son chulos?

Se dice que la risa es la llave al corazón. Por eso pensamos, ¿qué mejor manera de desear a todos un Feliz San Valentín que alegrándoles el día haciéndoles reir? ¡Para eso están los "puns"! Si no sabes lo que son, un "pun" es básicamente un juego de palabras, de manera divertida. ¡Nos lo pasamos genial!

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Students of 1st Bachillerato recommend the best books for the Book's Day next week!

Don't you know what to read these days? Listen to one of our Students of 1s of Bachillerato talking about his favourite books!